I’ve enjoyed reading the attacks on Self this week. I’ve always thought he was overrated as a writer -affected and often unintelligible. Nonetheless this is a the best, fairest take on the matter that I have read. reminds me that nuance whacks assertion any day.

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May 21, 2023Liked by The Kicker

Lovely takedown on Self’s takedown Mr Z. For what little it’s worth, I’ve long since embraced my own sliding irrelevance and am far happier for it. As it happens I’m in London presently and am stunned at what a nicer and friendlier place it is than the London I lived in under Thatcher (not surprising really I suppose). But that kind of pointless lash-out nastiness just doesn’t fly like it used to back in the day. Xclnt.

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I remember it well. Glorious.

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I remember the first time i ever heard of Will Self and it was on the show Grumpy Old Men. His take down of Tony Blair "the air guitarist of political logic". Is a quote i still use to this day.

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